The perception of code-switched utterances under suboptimal listening conditions 2016
Florida Linguistics Yearly Meeting & Linguistics Matters Festival
Florida International University, Miami, FL, March 10th, 2016
Perception of code-switched utterances by early sequential Spanish-English bilinguals 2015
MidPhon 20 – Mid-Continental Phonetics & Phonology Conference
Indiana University, Bloomington IN, September 13th, 2015
Individual differences in the perception of foreign-accented speech 2015
International Conference on Bilingualism
University of Malta, Valleta, Malta, March 23rd-25th
Production of long-lag stops (VOTs) in early and late Spanish-English bilinguals 2015
International Conference on Bilingualism
University of Malta, Valleta, Malta, March 23rd-25th
Reduced vowel production as a contributive factor to the perception of a foreign accent in 2012
L2 American English by Spanish-English bilinguals
Accents: VIth International Conference on Native and Nonnative Accents of English
University of Łódź, Poland
Key elements of reduced vowel production in L2 American English by early 2012
and late Spanish-English bilinguals.
Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States Annual Conference at
York University, Toronto, Canada. (Received Presidents’ Prize for this presentation)
A comparative analysis of the durational patterns of schwa in L2 American
English speakers. 2012
5th Brno conference on Linguistic Studies in English, Masaryk University, Brno.
Czech Republic
Reduced vowel production in L2 American English: A comparative study. 2012
University of Illinois at Chicago Bilingualism Forum.
Variation in the production of reduced vowel qualities in L2 American English between 2012
monolinguals and early Spanish-English bilinguals
2nd International Conference of Phonetics and Phonology, University of Shanghai, China